Bedroom & Bathroom

13 design ideas for modern minimalistbedroom

Modern minimalist style bedroom Interior design that is still fresh, I gather when I look around the bedroom interior decorating pictures on the internet. I collect them into 13 bedrooms minimalist interior design is still fresh. Minimalist bedroom became a favorite among people who are busy with their business. Bedroom decor is minimalist describe a simple and busy life. Most people are busy with their business will find it set up a bed full of furniture and accessories will throw a lot of time, so they tend to like the minimalist bedroom interior decoration and looks elegant

Minimalist Bathtub Design For Inspiration

This black modern bathtub included in the designers’ Beyond Collection, comes with a surprising look. Minimalist and elegant, it goes without saying that there are few interiors within witch this bathtub could not integrate perfectly. Its delicate lines seem to contrast the roughness of the monolith block in cladding polystyrene it is


Charming Bathtoom With Set Up Your Own Cube & Dot Pattern

Designed by Tamer Nakıscı, this inspiring Cube and Dot collection… can turn a common bathroom interior into a fun and cheerful environment. These modular ceramic systems featuring white, gray or black tiles look great and are very adaptable to any type of bathroom furniture with a simple color palette. And as an extra bonus, this set also feature